Friday, January 11, 2008

And So It Begins...

I have been keeping an online journal named "Leatherbound Universe" for a few months now but some new circumstances, which I will get to later, have led me to decide to open a separate blog. My journal is more for philosophical thoughts, explorations in writing, and other general contemplations of life. This blog, however, shall be more like a diary of the events of 2008--the year I am going to spend in China.

While I was studying at Virginia Tech, I took two semesters of Mandarin. I found the language difficult to learn and therefore took great pride in being able to read, write, and speak the little that I learned. Since then, I have always been interested in traveling to China to continue my studies of Mandarin.

The time finally seems right and so I have applied for a teaching position at a high school in Anshan (in the Liaoning province). I am currently waiting for my visa from the government, but it shouldn't be too long. Once I receive this, I'll purchase my plane ticket and I'll be heading out the last week of February. In the meantime there are so many things I need to do...


Anonymous said...

Good luck to you! I wish you safe and peaceful time in China. Stay in touch.
Suhail Mir

Anonymous said...

Hey Audra,

So u will be close to me again. NOt quite as close as when we were back in Alice. Maybe a trip to China should be on my itinerary.

Good luck. It is really hard and i mean really hard but exciting too. Let me know if you ever need to chat. As i am six months ahead of you so can help if you get homesick etc.

Love me