Thursday, February 14, 2008

T Minus 10 Days

I was commenting to someone the other day that getting ready to move to China feels a lot like making final arrangements after my death. What was I going to do with my car? Who was going to take care of my cat? Don't forget to cancel health insurance and phone service. Its been pretty bizarre.

I have my visa to get into China (not exactly cheap) and my one-way plane ticket. I will be leaving on the 24th and 24 hours later, I will land in Shenyang, which is the capital of the Liaoning province.

I have been asked some questions that I figured I would put up here today in an interview format.

Q: China?! Why would you want to go to China?
A: There are many reasons but one of the biggies is that Mandarin is the most commonly spoken language in the world based on first-language speakers. China also has a booming economy so predictions are that it will be right up there with English in the future of business-languages. So, China needs English teachers, and soon, America will need Mandarin teachers.

Q: How did you get this job?
A: It was actually very easy. I did a good 'ol google search and browsed the results. I decided to go directly through the Chinese rather than through an American (or international) company because I don't have a TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) certification and I didn't want to spend a couple thousand dollars and a few months to get one. I have been happy with the organization I chose (see the link on the left for more information). My contact has been helpful and the process has been easy.

Q: Are you scared?
A: No. I am not afraid for my safety but I know it will be difficult to be in a place so different from what I'm used to. I also know that the hardest part will be being away from family and friends.

Q: Do you speak Chinese?
A: I only remember a little of the Mandarin I learned but I will receive 2-6 hours a week of instruction while I'm there so I'm sure I'll learn it fast. Most of the Chinese study English all through school so I imagine I will be able to communicate the basics until my Mandarin improves.

Q: Can I visit you?
A: Yes! I will have my own apartment and I will keep an open door for anyone who can make it out to visit.


Anonymous said...

Aislynn sure does miss her Tante!! We want more pictures of China!!! -Hannah Banana

Dana said...

OMG! I want to come! How long will you be there?