Monday, February 9, 2009

Endings and Beginnings

I have officially been home a month now. My whole time in China, I wondered what it would be like when I returned. Would it take me a while to readjust? Would things have changed much while I was gone? I have to say, in some ways it feels like I wasn't gone at all. I could get in my car and drive without having to think about it (more than necessary, I mean) even though I've not driven in nearly a year.

Everytime I washed dishes, did laundry, cleaned my floors, or any other number of household chores in China, I would remember the modern conveniences back home that made such jobs a lot easier so I've tried to keep that feeling in mind as I go about my business now. But, it is almost as if I have to consciously think about it, which does surprise me a bit. Its not that I am taking hot water, shower stalls, and brooms that don't require me to bend in half for granted, but it is more like it is the way things SHOULD be. I guess I never got over being a spoiled American.

I've been eating whatever I please for the past month and have put on about five pounds to show for it. Well, I'll have to slow that down now and keep it under control! I am really enjoying cooking though, and I have been making all my favorite dishes. I am also enjoying being around my family, particularly my nephews and niece.

The toughest part about returning has been finding a new job. I'm not returning at the most opportune time, with the economy in a downward spiral. I've actually been looking for jobs outside of the realm of teaching but have not had much response from the dozens of applications I've sent out.

I do think about my students in China and the people I worked with. A couple of people have emailed me, which is nice. I told my friend and co-worker, Eric, I would make videos here in America to send to him since somethings were so hard to explain! The student who took my rabbit, Tuza, said she gave it to her grandmother who lives out in the villages so Tuza would have more room. She said my rabbit seemed to be happy there.

Anyway, this will be my last post. Thank you for taking this journey with me. The support of my friends and family really helped me though the tough times in the past year. I was glad to share my experiences with you! Keep in mind, when one stage in life ends, another begins, so: on to the next adventure!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Audra, I've been thinking of you. I have enjoyed your journey and I thank you for including me. I talk about you, about your courage, your determination, your spirit. I look forward to seeing you again, soon.